Saturday, December 27, 2008


You saw the movie "Christmas with the Kranks"....Well, our Christmas wasn't like that. we had a wonderful day with our family....Jeff and Julie consented to have Christmas dinner at their house, since we had Thanksgiving was very nice almost all of the family was there...we had a delicious dinner, everyone brought something...we didn't get to watch the children open their presents...but it was still fun...Thank you family for loving each other. love you all.

Monday, December 1, 2008


We have much to be thankful for...a wonderful family, good grandchildren and darling great-grandchildren. It was such a blessing to have them all here for Thanksgiving, the only ones that were not here were Cassie and her husband Drew,and their baby, Conrad, Brandon and Becky and little Mariah. We missed them but we will be able to see them Christmas. I love the holidays, it is such a great time of year everyone is so happy. The Holidays make us aware of our many blessings.Everyone was such a big help and of course with so many people we definitely need help. We love our family!!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Amy's Blog

We "bloggers" are so excited...Amy Nicole now has a blog...It is so now we can keep up with Amy and her babies too. Love you Amy!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tuesday was such a special day...our granddaughter Jillian went to the Temple and took out her endowments. She had such a great family support group there for her....Both sets of grandparents from her Mom and Dad, Blake's grandparents from his mothers side, three of her cousins, Amber, Courtney,and Teri...her cousin Lindsay was unable to be there because she had a bad cough, Jillian's brother Chris and his wife Jessica was there and last but not least her parents and Blake's parents were there. It was a wonderful day! We are such a blessed family to have each other. Friday will be a such an exciting day...Jillian and Blake will be married for all time and eternity. Yahoo!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Cassie's Visit


This is a Halloween update from grandma and grandpa....nothing...we didn't dress in costumes, we didn't have many "trick or treaters" just little Cameron and the Galvez boys...and of course granddaughter Lacy....that was it!!! Do we live an exciting life or what???? One exciting thing did happen though....our granddaughter Cassie, Drew, and little Conrad came home to visit Drew's family and Cassie's. Little Conrad is so cute, all smiles, what a happy baby boy...another little blessed we are. Grandpa and I are going to try and put a picture of their family on the blog so you all can see the Hiatt family....Drew's sister Sam was with them too.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Shopping (Ugh)

It started out as a beautiful Fall day.....I was thinking about going outside and finishing up the yard work that I started the day before. Sheri and Megan came by and one thing led to another, you see I needed to find something to wear for the "BIG WEDDING"....we are all looking forward to it, especially Jillian...I had been looking for something for a week....well the girls said: "Mom why don't we go to Boise and look at the mall". No one wants to go to Boise and the Mall on Saturday!!! Needless to say we did go and it was packed with people, cars, etc.......we went from one end of the mall to the next, could not find anything except a velvet top, couldn't find a skirt to go with it...frustrating....(you know, Grandma is getting old and walking all over the mall, i cannot do anymore) We came home tired, the girls went home. Later that evening, there was a knock on the front door and guess who was there???? Sheri and Amber....they found a skirt for me to go with the top how nice was that....I love my family, they are so good to me. Don't we look happy??